This weekend I shifted into a new flat... it is a curious set-up, as it is really a B&B with a few long-term letting arrangements.
It was great to quickly tweet a twitpic using the free wifi, with reasonable security (WPA) even if the passphrase is a touch weak... Alas, when I came to testing the ADSL speed - it would seem that I will not enjoy the pleasure of 'blistering pace'. Will repeat the test several more times, so as to get a better idea of transfer rates + gain insight into local contention.
A second test, a short while later achieved 416 kbps down,
85 kbps up, whereas reports 550 Kbps down, 185 Kbps up. I was hoping for more than 0.5 Mbps ...
Might seek to influence a change... local search via or