Monday, October 15, 2007

Lessons and investigations...

Lesson 1 : do not hoover your laptop with the domestic vacuum cleaner.
Why? because it will suck up one or more keyboard buttons leading you to open up the bag and search for the missing pieces.
Oops - learnt from experience. At least I have a slightly cleaner laptop now...

End of lessons. Although today I also learnt something else - what could be seen as a .Net variant of the EU Provenance Project : An ex-colleague has gone out to create their own company, with this as their core product offering. This appears to present a more database schema view of the data - rather than tracing the origins of the data, and what actions have been taken on the data itself.

Investigations include Project Zero (, to renew my professional and personal attachment to Eclipse activities... together with exploration of the ongoing development of IBM WebSphere products. That reminds me: JMS on WMQ, must search brain for existing knowledge... and perhaps give pointers to others

Job Applications. Seeking to work in Europe? then why not take a look at the Europass CV templates?

side-note: reminds me of quest from Hardip for self-sufficient business model...

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