Thursday, February 28, 2008

More or Less interesting numbers

Some intriguing reading from Time Harford of the FinancialTime, he has his Economist Undercover blog and a complimentary podcast "More or Less" on BBC Radio4

Even Tanaka gets a mention, with old Bill Perraudin getting in on the quants story... Shame I didn't read/listen to this before we got our guest lecture at the start of our MBA year... it might have provoked even more interesting Q&A

sex sells - here are the economists comments regarding the rise of oral sex

something a little different: financial management meets strategic investment decisions

and very different, Goodwood & The Experience of Business?

More or Less interesting numbers

Some intriguing reading from Time Harford of the FinancialTime, he has his Economist Undercover blog and a complimentary podcast "More or Less" on BBC Radio4

Even Tanaka gets a mention, with old Bill Perraudin getting in on the quants story... Shame I didn't read/listen to this before we got our guest lecture at the start of our MBA year... it might have provoked even more interesting Q&A

Google : myLocation (beta)

Now the irony is that back in the period 2000-2001, I proposed such an idea to Imperial College Entrepreneurship Challenge... We were cut down because the judges did not believe in our numbers - namely that SMS use would increase significantly on mobile phones. Uses include finding local amenities, tracking your kids, tourist resources, or simply vicinity info to help your chance meetings with friends whilst out-and-about in town!

The funny thing is that I got to remind one of the judges about this when we started our MBA. It briefly took the smug look off his face when I told him how much money had been invested in this technology. My lesson was to run the distance with the ideas I believe in.

something very different: do you chumby?

on the geek topic, news from Japan just in

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

IBM releases game to teach math, science & ecology?

A new multiplayer video game from IBM Corp. encourages teenagers to save the planet by playing a video game - and learn science at the same time. The online game, called PowerUp, is part of IBM's TryScience initiative. It will be rolled out at high schools around the USA as part of National Engineer's Week 2008 [this week].

It is all about boosting recruitment. The aim is to enhance the interest among teens in pursuing maths and science careers...
Additionally, it helps keep the story moving around 3D Internet - where many people know of SecondLife (but there are others). I had my first interview in SecondLife last week - quite a strange experience... anyway some links for you:

Download it from the PowerUp Website:
Watch it on YouTube

Beware of the Force : The Tool of Satan

If you believe in the Force, you will go to Hell.

God help all those British citizens who claimed to be members of the Jedi religious community in the last national censor...

to save your souls, use the finger-force to walk on over to

disclaimer: members of this forum are free to hold their own beliefs
but they can still have the mickey taken out of them for it...

Tool to Evaluate your Fruit

open the kimono (v. phr.) to reveal something new and bold, usually to a client

some more serious comment regarding "outside the box thinking"

Friday, February 22, 2008

MBA Lounge Hogs

Some tools for your travels

For those of you who find yourselves on the move far too often.... - for managing your WW itineraries

...and for those not travelling business class - for finding cost efficient travel options (plus hotels if you desire)

- - - -

and if you need something to read whilst waiting in the airport lounge:
Purple Cow : Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable (Paperback)

and another flight finding service :

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Falling in love with a business

In regards to new business startups, according to business consultant Marguerite Moore Callaway, from her 2006 book The Energetics of Business, for example:

"in business, as with any intimate relationship that is genuinely satisfying, great chemistry is vital. To have an affinity for an idea, a strong match must exist between a business owner's built-in aptitude, personality, learned skills and the underlying business purpose."

To succeed in business, according to Callaway, one must fall in love with its potential. I don't recall us receiving any lectures on 'falling in love' during our MBA ...

unrelated link: something different for those who care about time

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Return of the Apprenticeship

It gives me pleasure to read that UK Plc is again returning to the positive view regarding industrial placement schemes. As a participant in the Year in Industry Scheme (Royal Academy of Engineering) I continue to voice my support for such interactions with young people...

It is also a super way for the students to seek financial sponsorship during their studies. This is something seen far more often in other Continental European countries, whereby a degree is undertaken that is inter-woven with real work. Yes, it takes longer, but the reward is skilled workforce that is applying the education in a constant learning cycle, a rapid loop that should benefit both the education curriculum and the industrial sector. Note that care needs to be taken that this doesn't become a replacement for job-specific training - this might also reduce the university degree to only offer skills that address the current role requirements, and not those for the near future...

Read the article on

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Tech Update

Things sometimes evolve. After a cute walk along the waterfront in Bordeaux (Hangars 18 to 14) we popped into see the Tourism Expo. On the tram we had been completing the 50% discount form when a fellow passenger offered us tickets for free entry... Thank you Mr Sitting-Opposite-Us-On-Tram (his wife had a stand at the show, hence free tickets).
We passed on our second free ticket to some friends... so these little acts can continue their cycle.

Anyway, nice walk around show followed by a little exercise on the climbing rock that the mountain rescue police had erected just outside. They seemed to be fiddling their thumbs, so I asked to go up - and this seemed to set the necessary precedence for others to follow - there was a queue when I completed my second level climb! We purchased two items from the SEB factory-outlet, that was located almost next door (and which we stumbled upon by chance as we took the tram 1 stop too far earlier in the day) - so took home an electric grill (that my dear lady took a HUGE fancy too at first sight) and an electric hair-cutter - which got first use that evening! I think I got away with a reasonable first attempt with both the new gadget + first hairdresser experience (and no, she is not standing over me watching what I am typing). ;o)

Now for the technology. I mentioned that the opening times of the local cable-telephone shop was now until 7pm, which had result of us jumping into the car with our old cable modem and shifting gear to get there in good time. As chance would have it they were showing Liverpool vs Sunderland on Canal+, so I really didn't mind waiting (the score when we left was 0-0, the game ended 3-0 to Liverpool). We wanted to know if we could have the telephone number associated with our cable set-up, so that we could receive call. Answer = no. We would have to pay 10 euro extra each month for phone to be added, and this would also renew contract for 1 year. Also asked if we could have wireless modem. This was not just to have wireless, but rather to have router capable of sharing the internet connection with several devices (we currently have 1xpc, 1xlaptop - and desire adding more). Were told that there is fixed extra costs of 40 euro for the wireless, which we were not expecting. Given that the unit is on loan against a deposit, this did not seem attractive. However, when I quized my network setup the sales rep (a nice chap we had seen on previous visit) chatted with the other 2 chaps - as he didn't think my setup was feasible (cable modem, single ethernet - attached to basic switch that then shared internet access with other devices, but curiously didn't allow local devices to interact)... and the end of which his boss authorised us to have wireless for only 15 euros. This was more acceptable - even if "free" would have been better. We accepted.

Gadget : NetGear Wireless Cable Voice Gateway CVG834G

So the Tech Update is only to say that now we have encrypted wireless in the small flat. Honestly, we didn't need wireless - I have a long enough ethernet cable to do me. The local network though was more annoying, any time we had a problem it required a reboot of the cable modem - and a prayer. I am much happier with this technology deployment - as it allows me to play

With the new modem setup, thought I might test the Internet speed we are observing:
internet speed test results,

With the IT complexity reduced, seemingly in conformity with the CIO strategy article, I am set to respond with greater agility to my IT growth...

What next? well I just learned about Dvorak keyboard - thanks to an ubuntu blogger :,, The story of the Curse of Qwerty