Joan Woodward, a lady of the future
Joan Woodward (1917-1971) is perhaps remembered mostly for her social studies - indeed it is in this field that Imperial College offers an annual undergraduate & post-graduate thesis prize, together with a series of memorial lectures. However, Joan Woodward also stood out for her pioneering research into how technology was influencing the behaviour and performance of organisations. At Imperial College she might also be remember for having been only the second lady to be made Professor (Professor of Industrial Sociology), which took place in 1970.
"...the most ambitious and stimulating comparative study using technology as an independent variable is Joan Woodward's survey of 100 industrial organizations" - Charles Perrow
In testament to her contributions to knowledge, her work continues to be referenced in renowned journals.
related links:
- en.wikipedia/Joan_Woodward (finally posted on 16 December 2009, see note below)
- Resource Centre for Women in SET (Science, Engineering & Technology)
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Note: the wikipedia entry for Joan Woodward formed part of my pledge for “AdaLovelaceDay”. This in turn was just one contribution from a community initiative that was initiated by Suw Charman-Anderson, with the aim "to draw attention to women excelling in technology":
I will publish a blog post on Tuesday 24th March about a woman in technology whom I admire but only if 1,000 other people will do the same.
— Suw Charman-Anderson