Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Return of the Apprenticeship

It gives me pleasure to read that UK Plc is again returning to the positive view regarding industrial placement schemes. As a participant in the Year in Industry Scheme (Royal Academy of Engineering) I continue to voice my support for such interactions with young people...

It is also a super way for the students to seek financial sponsorship during their studies. This is something seen far more often in other Continental European countries, whereby a degree is undertaken that is inter-woven with real work. Yes, it takes longer, but the reward is skilled workforce that is applying the education in a constant learning cycle, a rapid loop that should benefit both the education curriculum and the industrial sector. Note that care needs to be taken that this doesn't become a replacement for job-specific training - this might also reduce the university degree to only offer skills that address the current role requirements, and not those for the near future...

Read the article on Ft.com

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