Wednesday, October 24, 2007

JMS specific

As I am renewing my acquaintances with JMS in MQ I thought I should keep track of where I have been on the 'net... to leave behind some breadcrumbs for when I get lost - again

  • Starting from scratch requires a simple JMS-WAS application and other articles by Saket
    • real starting points might be to read the JMS specification, but a brief idea can be gathered from
    • wikipedia also describes a specific implementation here, which is handy for detailing the difference queue manager bindings and client connections (bindings connection is via direct software communication, whereas client connections use network). As always there is a pay-off to be had between speed and flexibility.
  • Handy links on developerWorks offered at foot of this XMS guide
  • When things go pear-shaped, then a WAS trace guide might be handy

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